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The Federal Evaluation ToolkitBETA

Using Evaluation

It is not enough to conduct evaluation; we have to use and apply those findings to programs, policies, and operations. Figuring out how to use evaluation findings and apply them to your work can be challenging. The existing evidence might not be a perfect match for your context or the evaluation(s) may have mixed results. Regardless, we can always find ways to learn from evaluation activities, and these resources provide the tools you need to think about applying evaluation findings in your work.

How to Apply Available Evidence

We frequently have a range of information and evidence about our programs, policies, or regulations. Yet, existing evidence is often imperfect for helping decision makers as they design or change those programs, policies, or regulations. This guide walks through five key steps to define the information need, gather the best available evidence, assess its rigor and whether it meets the need, and apply the evidence to inform decision-making.

Related Resources Evaluation Use

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