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April 16, 2024

Applications for the Summer/Fall 2024 Evidence-Based Decision-Making Leadership Academy are Now Open!

By The Evidence Team, OMB

Creating an evidence-based Government means that staff at all levels – from program operators to Senior Executives – embrace the use of evidence to make decisions. But what does “evidence-based” really mean?  How can senior leaders across the Federal Government build a culture of evidence? What do Senior Executives need to understand in order to demand and use evidence in their roles?

The Office of Management and Budget, in collaboration with the Federal Executive Institute, created the Evidence-Based Decision-Making Leadership Academy to ensure that our Government’s Senior Executives have the knowledge and skills to make an evidence-based Government a reality. As detailed below, applications for the Academy are now open, and we encourage Senior Executives to apply.

The Academy offers Senior Executives the opportunity to learn about how evidence-based decision-making can be a powerful tool to drive progress and performance, while giving Executives concrete tools and strategies to build and use evidence effectively. During the Academy, participants will learn how to apply evidence-based decision-making toward an existing program, practice, or policy in their respective roles and will hear from other leaders in government with experience applying evidence-based decision-making.  Executives will receive coaching and work with a small team of others in their agency to enhance their learning throughout the Academy.

Launched in November 2023, the Academy’s first cohort included Executives from nine different agencies with backgrounds across budget and performance, legislative affairs, human capital, grants, civil rights, and more. Feedback from these participants was overwhelmingly positive, but don’t take our word for it:

“As a Senior Executive in the Federal Government, I am always looking for ways to improve not only my own decision-making, but how I present decisions to be made to the Department.... I have found the course to be insightful as it combined evidence-based tactics with information on organizational culture and climate to understand not only how to apply what I have learned, but to create an environment friendly to this innovative category of thinking."

- Human Capital Executive from a large, CFO-Act Agency

“The Evidence-Based Decision-Making Leadership Academy was immensely beneficial to me as a manager. Even though I often work with data and evidence, the EBLA gave me a framework to see a lot of my organization’s challenges and problems in new ways... I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a fresh way to face their leadership challenges.”

- Procurement Executive from a non- CFO-Act Agency

We are thrilled to announce that we are currently accepting applications for the second cohort of the Academy! It includes five sessions between June and September 2024. The first session is all-day and will be held in-person on June 25, 2024 in Washington, D.C. The remaining four sessions will be held virtually. Accepted participants are expected to attend all five sessions. Note that the Academy is not designed for evaluation or technical experts, but instead for Senior Executives in other roles interested in making decisions using the best available evidence while also building a culture of learning within their agencies.

Applications are open through May 3, 2024. Interested Senior Executives can apply here. If you have any questions about the Academy, email us at


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