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June 02, 2022

Sharing Stories: Evidence in Action Across the Country

By The Year of Evidence for Action Team

Evidence is a powerful tool to inform government practices and policies – and advancing its use in the Federal government is an important goal for OMB and OSTP.

We launched the Year of Evidence for Action on April 7, 2022, with a White House Summit attended by nearly 600 leaders across the Federal Government, non-profit sector, and academia. The Year of Evidence for Action advances three goals: to highlight leading practices from agencies to use research-backed evidence to advance better, more equitable outcomes; to institutionalize evidence-based policymaking; and to increase connections and collaboration among knowledge producers and users inside and outside the Federal Government.

To support this third goal, the team at OSTP and OMB invited Summit participants to share how evidence can inform practices and policies. To date, over 15 different organizations have shared their stories with us. Below are examples from organizations that participated in the Summit.  By sharing1, we hope to inspire continued action to build the evidence ecosystem through collaborations between evidence communities inside and outside the Federal Government.

Evidence-to-Action in Practice

A variety of organizations shared examples of evidence in action that operate at the state or local level. These are important parts of the evidence ecosystem, and we hope that efforts at the Federal level can incorporate successful practices at the state and local level and vice versa. 

Other submissions shared stories of successful collaborations with the Federal Government, which we hope to expand throughout the Year of Evidence:

One example described efforts to support evidence-based lawmaking in Congress:

Share Your Story!

As the Year of Evidence for Action unfolds, we encourage other organizations to share their success stories and leading practices. We will continue to gather and share out these examples throughout the year. Send your stories to and watch this space for future opportunities to engage with us.

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