
About the Portal

Build and use evidence to improve lives

Evaluation.gov supports transparency and public engagement in evidence-building efforts across Federal agencies. To help Federal agencies meet their ambitious plans for building and using evidence, Evaluation.gov is piloting the Evidence Project Portal to raise awareness of Federal agency evidence needs and provide external researchers and members of the public with a way to express interest in partnering on these projects. The OMB Evidence Team is using materials and processes developed by the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships as a basis for the research partnerships and associated efforts of the Evidence Project Portal.

Promote strong partnerships at all stages of the learning process

Agencies are seeking partners from a wide range of disciplines, reflecting the fact that evidence-building needs are varied, as are the backgrounds and expertise best suited to address those needs. Where possible, project summaries include information about what types of expertise are likely needed; but if you have an idea for how to contribute that is different or not stated in the summary, please reach out.

Share knowledge about what works

Each project invites researchers to express their interest in working on a project. Agency project leads will hold a researcher interest meeting, inviting all those who expressed interest in the project. That meeting provides an opportunity to learn more about the evidence needs, ask questions, and explore the potential for partnering. Projects that are scalable, sustainable, and develop public, open-source resources will be prioritized.

Frequently Asked Questions

This project portal is managed by the Evidence Team at the Office of Management and Budget. The materials and processes are adapted from those developed by the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships. If you have suggestions for how to improve it, please let us know!